
Showing posts from January, 2024

Sea Lions of Puerto Madryn, Argentina

Puerto Madryn, Argentina, emerges as a beacon of eco-consciousness, serving as a gateway to the breathtaking Patagonian landscape and awarded the UNESCO World Heritage status, Peninsula Valdes, renowned for its abundant marine life, including Sea Lions, Penguins, and Whales. The Welsh settlement in the 1800s  gave the name  Madryn and a small Welsh-speaking community still exists in the area and continues on with their cultural heritage close to the city. Upon disembarking from the boat we decided to visit Punta Loma, a $50 excursion cost at the Taxi stand, encompassing the return fare and an hour at Punta Loma. In this relatively new city, burgeoning as the fastest-growing in Patagonia, the charm lies in its seaside allure, flanked by picturesque sand dunes. The juxtaposition of desert meeting ocean paints a vivid, albeit hot, landscape, with ongoing apartment constructions hinting at a city on the rise, currently boasting a population of just under 100,000. Plenty of sand dunes. The

Falkland Islands

If you have a soft spot for penguins, then the Falkland Islands are an absolute paradise. Our rendezvous with the penguins on the beaches of Port Stanley was nothing short of a blessing. These charming creatures, with their adorable waddle and comical antics, had us spellbound. Hours seemed to slip away as we couldn't resist snapping pictures of these little bundles of joy. Amidst the awe, however, some individuals chose to ignore the rules, disregarding the mandated 6-meter distance and encircling the penguins. Frustration peaked as a few persistently intruded on the penguins' personal space, almost within a foot of these gentle beings. Despite the vigilant marshals, not everyone heeded their warnings. Determined to soak in the magic, Darren and I found ourselves a spot among a group of Gentoo Penguins. We sat, and observed, and I even attempted to serenade them. A few glanced up at my attempt to charm them with a song, but their attention soon wandered elsewhere. As we marvel

Elephant Island, Antarctic

Today's expedition through the formidable Antarctic climate brought both challenges and awe-inspiring moments. Navigating through virtually zero visibility, surrounded by a sea of grey, our ship sailed on, and just as the day seemed uneventful, delicate snowflakes began to dance in the air which covered the entire ship including our balcony. Our next destination, Elephant Island, lived up to its name with the majestic presence of Elephant Seals gracing its snowy shores. We could not see any due to the weather but amidst the icy landscapes, Leopard Seals exhibit their raw power and hunt Penguins a crucial role in their diet, as they are the main predators of penguins. A wealth of information was gleaned from the engaging Naturalist's talks on board, enhancing the understanding of the intricate Antarctic ecosystem. Venturing onto our balcony, despite the challenging weather, revealed glimpses of Elephant Island through the veil of snow and clouds. Occasional breaks in the weather

Paradise Bay, Antarctica

  Embarking on this extraordinary journey to Antarctica fulfilled Darren's dream—a dream that initially left me questioning why one would willingly seek out the winter wonderland that I annually pay to escape in Saskatchewan. However, on this remarkable day, Antarctica unfolded as a realm unlike any other on Earth. Our vessel navigated the formidable Drake's Passage, a journey that, while challenging, mercifully spared us from the full force of its potential fury. As we entered Paradise Bay, the temperature, a surprisingly mild 5 degrees Celsius, marked the peak of their summer. Undeterred by the brisk wind, I found myself on the upper decks, compelled to capture the essence of this pristine landscape through the lens of my phone. Retreating to our cabin on Deck 7, positioned at the ship's stern, we stepped onto our veranda and were greeted by a breathtaking spectacle. Majestic icebergs, adorned in shades of blue and white, and some with intriguing earthy hues, floated grac