Holocaust Museum & Cohen Education Center of Naples, Florida

My sister and I visited the Holocaust Museum & Cohen Education Center of Naples. 

This shocking but beautiful mural of Anne Frank is located in the front entrance area of the museum.  It is made up of thousands of photos from the holocaust.

We have both been to Holocaust museums before and are fairly familiar with the history of the Holocaust.  Everyone should be familiar with this incredibly dark part of our human past.  I personally never miss a chance to educate myself on Holocaust history.
When we entered the building there was a tour that was just beginning so we decided to join the hour-and-a-half tour that this gentleman ran.  He was highly knowledgeable about the history of the time and had a very strong passion for delivering the truth and the message and the history of the Holocaust.

It is a small Museum and if you decided to go through the museum on your own and read all of the information that's up on the walls etc it would still probably take you about an hour and a half.
The tour started out with a 15-minute video that was definitely worth watching.

BMW and Audi are just two companies that used Jewish slave labour.  There are many more disgraceful well-known corporations that took advantage of free labour.

At this particular Museum, there is a train box-car available to look at out in the parking lot. It was donated by a particular Jewish family to this educational cause.

No matter how many different Holocaust museums or former camps you visit they are all worthwhile because you're educating yourself about a horrific time in humanity's history. 
If you've never been to a holocaust museum or a former camp this would be a complete eye-opener.  It will no doubt bring you to tears throughout the tour.  I know for me it did. There is always new information that I've never learned before that always just rips at your heart.  I learned about Babi Yar in Ukraine, where over 100,000 Jews and others were murdered and their bodies were systematically stacked to maximize space in a large ravine. 

Expand the photo to the right and read about Babi Yar in the Ukraine.

This sickening event was previously unknown to me and each time I learn a new horrendous fact about the Holocaust, I am always left with this overwhelming feeling of:
How Did Humanity Let This Happen?



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